
Wednesday, 12 October 2016

How To Connect Play Station 4 to Television

1. Plug the power cord to the AC In Port located at the back of             Play Station 4.

2. Connect your HDMI cable to the HDMI Out Port on your Play n     Station 4.

3. Plug the other end of the HDMI cable to the HDMI In Port on         your HDTV (High-Definition Television).

HINT: You may need to change display input on your television to              match the input you used on your HDTV.

4. Plug the power cord to the to a wall jacket or any alternate power     source.

5. Touch the power button on the front of the Play Station 4 to turn it on.

6. Put on your television to ensure the television display is set with the input of the Play Station 4.

A video clip to explain you clearly. 

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