
Saturday, 26 November 2016

How To Naturally Treat Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth are the State where the tooth feels dull pain due to nerve in dentin of teeth are exposed to the environment. In medical terms, sensitive teeth known as dentin hypersensitivity. The occurrence of this problem because the enamel or an email or layers of tooth thinning disorder causing the gums (gingivitis) which causes the gums to fall. Gums that drops, this will make the area of the teeth, which should be protected by the gums become open. This layer called dentin that when get stimulation from the outside will feel dull pain that is intense and penetrating.

Enamel tooth imperfections that make sensitive teeth occurred due to various causes, such as the use of toothbrushes that are not true and exaggerated, giving rise to extra pressure on the tooth that is diluting the email. A study also reported that the consumption of drinks or foods with excess acid can also erode the teeth and cause sensitive teeth.

How to naturally Treat sensitive teeth or teeth in bone

What steps can we take to overcome this common problem? Maybe some of you are being hit by this problem for a long time and would like to know how to treat sensitive teeth that feels a dull ache when eating something spicy and sour, as well as to drink something cold.

Here you please check out correctly how the doctor gives recommendations to those who have the same problem, namely sensitive teeth.

1. Perform preventive measures

Most important is to give precedence to custom away from the things that triggers the onset of dental abrasion. As for the triggers already mentioned earlier. But not just that, you are required to know how to correct brushing my teeth so unconsciously becomes the root of the problem occurrence of tooth decay.

How to prevent sensitive teeth can be started by starting the following habits:
- Undertakings so that when you are not brushing my teeth with brushing your teeth too often on the pressure is too strong. May be your ultimate goal, so that the teeth are cleaner, but the wrong way. With brushing my teeth slowly you can get white teeth, clean, and powerful, if done on a regular basis.  
- Do not vent the boredom with bite your teeth. Surely you ever if longer silent or buried somewhere, you'll find a "toy" in order for the boredom disappear. Well, not rarely than we choose to play with the way the teeth bite the top and the bottom is so soft. What does this actually could make a layer of tooth email eroded so that opening the dentin of teeth.
-  Each person required to always keep clean the teeth and mouth by way of brushing teeth at least twice a day (in the morning after breakfast, and evening before going to bed).
- Apply sensitive toothpaste specifically for sensitive teeth when want to brush your teeth.Select and use the fluffy soft toothbrush in order not to torture your teeth.
- Reduce the consumption of food or drink which has a sour taste. Also removes food consumption habits that can damage teeth.
- Do not scrub the tooth shortly after you eat, though well intentioned teeth in order to keep it clean. But I need to know before, that would happen after eating a lower pH in the mouth. It's good brushing my teeth at least 25 minutes after eating.- Routine visit the doctor at least two times a year, or six months for your dental health condition checked.

You've been studying how to prevent sensitive teeth, now see how to overcome the next sensitive teeth.

2. Prevent the formation of Plaque

Health expert once explained earlier in the article how to clean Tartar on the plaque. The plaque is one source of the problem is inside the mouth. The formation of plaque occurs due to the rest of the food is not cleaned so bring bacteria. The plaque left gradually will stick and harden on teeth forming tartar.

To avoid or dental disorder independent of sensitive, then you must also prevent triggers the onset of plaque. A simple way to do this is to rub the tooth half an hour after eating with how vertical (up and down) so that the remaining food and plaque which had previously been formed can be destroyed. The toothbrush slowly just to avoid depletion of the email. Don't forget also to gargle afterwards.

3. Gargle With Fluoride-containing Products

Fluoride can act as an amplifier of the enamel of the tooth. Its existence can be used for treating sensitive teeth that you are experiencing. Use mouthwash (or toothpaste) that contains fluoride in order to achieve the benefits of fluoride.

4. Ask for help of Baking Soda

Baking soda can be combined with other material so that it becomes a natural toothpaste can be used to repel the plaque trigger teeth sensitive. How do you do?

- Prepare the ingredients: ½ cups baking soda, lemon juice, 10 drops, 4 TSP vegetable glycerol, and 1 tsp Aloe Vera jelly. Mix everything in one glass of water.
- Use a clean spoon, stir, then we're to gargle a few times.

- A day is enough to do it twice.

5. Chew Gum With Xylitol

Embossed on the pros and cons of chewing gum. Some say good to the mouth, andsome others argue the opposite. Thus, whichever is correct?

There is no right and wrong should be, because when too often taking gum can create cavities due to the sweetness produced. But unlike the chewing gum containingxylitol, its content is quite beneficial for teeth.

With gum chewing Xylitol conditioned then teeth and mouth will benefit as the surface of the teeth to be clean and reduce the growth of germs Mutans Streptococci.

In addition, Xylitol is also working to neutralize the acid in the mouth and help the production of saliva or saliva in the mouth which has an important role against oral health. So don't hesitate any longer to eat gum Xylitol, the origin of air-not often-often, surely the benefits you can get. Again, do not be too frequent consumption, better choose how to treat sensitive teeth on these points in order not to become a victim of the escape of research.

6. Use Night Guard for Teeth Grinding

Night Guard for Teeth Grinding or protective gear you can wear while sleeping. His goal was to prevent the occurrence of tooth decay due to unconsciously you bluff-snapping your teeth while sleeping. This tool can be bought online as well as offline, it is not too expensive. Using this tool, you don't need to worry about customs raved during sleep while biting the teeth themselves.

It doesn't really matter where how to treat sensitive teeth or teeth bone you choose,because that should be noted is how do you keep doing healthy habits like indicated on the tips to prevent sensitive teeth.

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